Return Policy
Return & Exchange Policy
PERFECT aim is providing our customers with premium quality Shoes Suppiles with reasonable price and knight service. And we totally understand that choosing the product online is a bit difficult, so we accept the return & exchange for some special occasions. Below is our Return & Exchange policy.
We are more than happy to accommodate exchanges & returns of the product that have NOT been tampered.
We offer ONE TIME free return and exchange for in-stock Shoes Supplies and for our customers who keep their items in original conditions and meanwhile follow our return & exchange process.
NO return & exchange for clearance products.
Dimension not suitable is not the problem of quality, before placing your order, please double-check the size
NO return & exchange for dimension problem.
Order Cancellation and Change
For any order cancellation and change, we can freely help to cancel your order and to change your order details ONLY if you could contact us within 36 hours after you place your order.
For in-stock items (we marked as IN STOCK), we can help to cancel or to change your order any time without any charges before shipping out.
And an extra charge will be necessary if you want to do some possible changes when your order is already under processing. So we will be very appreciated if you could contact for the details and the possibility at your earliest convenience if you want to do some changes.
NO change for shipping out items.
Return & Exchange Process
Step 1
Please contact our customer service within 48 hours after you received your package via email at to explain the reason for the return/exchange.
Step 2
Our customer service will process your return/exchange request within 1-7 working days (a few days longer when during the vacations). After the return/exchange request has been authorized, our customer service will send you a Return Authorization Number.
Step 3
Please ship the returned product back to the address we gave you, including the return & exchange form with the Return Authorization (RA) Number. You're also responsible for the return shipping charge.
*We DO NOT accept the return packages without our Return Authorization Numbers.
*We DO NOT accept the return packages by freight collect.
Please do email us the tracking number to after shipping out your returned package.
We highly recommend you to ship your returning package in a trackable shipping method to guarantee that we can receive your package, we're not responsible for the lost of returning packages.
And please shipping out your returned package within the next 7 days after getting our authorization. Or your package will be rejected, and which will influence your refund. Thanks for your understanding!!!
Step 4
After receiving the returned package, we'll arrange the refund within 7 working days if you just request a return.
Please note that we will arrange your refund after our After-sale Department received the returned package. The total processing time is about 15 working days.
The refund will be returned to where you pay. That is to say, if you pay by your credit card via PayPal, the refund will be returned to your credit card. Normally, the money will arrive in your credit card within 15 days after we arrange your refund, or you can call your bank company to get the exact time for your refund.
We'll arrange the exchange within 7 working days for return & exchange. And please check here to estimate the processing time of your second item.